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Pertamina EP aims to book US$780m in profit next year PT Pertamina EP, associate degree upstream business subsidiary of state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina, has aforesaid the corporate aims to book US$780 million next year or forty two.60 % beyond this year’s target of $547 million. Pertamina EP president director Nanang Abdul Manaf aforesaid achieving the target would be a challenge amid decreasing international oil costs. “As we've got learned that oil value has declined to but $50 per barrel, meanwhile, next year’s value projection stands at $70 per barrel,” he aforesaid in Medan on weekday as rumored by He expressed optimism when cash in on January to November had reached $680 million, whereas whole year profit was foreseen at $800 million. He aforesaid the corporate would focus a lot of on drilling than gas production. “Our production target next year is eighty two,500 barrel oil per day (bopd), however we have a tendency to had a commitment to provide eighty four,000 bopd, compared to the present year’s target of eighty three,000 bopd,” Nanang aforesaid, adding that the corporate would add a lot of oil wells next year. Previously, the corporate reportedly planned to drill ten4 wells -- ninety four development wells and 10 exploration wells. Meanwhile, gas production are going to be shrunken to 970 cubelike feet next year from 986 cubelike feet, this year. “We can scale back production by sixteen cubelike feet as a result of the [production of] North Sumatra field has began to decline. If we have a tendency to push production, the time period of the sector are going to be shorter. Therefore, we'd like to chop production,” he added. 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